Past, Present and Future of the Third Media Revolution

Obama100 - IT to the Rescue

April 24th, 2009

For 7 days starting April 27 - the week in which Obama’s Administration will be 100 days in charge - will host a national dialogue to engage the public, potential recipients, solution providers, and state, local and tribal partners in answering the following question:

What ideas, tools, and approaches can make a place where the public can monitor the expenditure and use of recovery funds?

In this U.S. online dialogue participants from across the IT community - leading Information Technology vendors, thinkers, and consumers - will be able to recommend, discuss, and vote on the best ideas, tools, and approaches. Their input can directly impact how operates and ensure that the U.S. economic recovery is the most transparent and accountable in history.

Author: Jaap Bloem

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2 Responses to “Obama100 - IT to the Rescue”

  1. found-your-story

    The first one is in.

  2. found-your-story

    Towards the end of the / IT to the Rescue week every participant received an e-mail alert, reflecting a lack of really important contributions:

    “with three days left in this week-long Recovery Dialogue, we are receiving some interesting and thoughtful submissions. However, there are a few key concepts around which we need your ideas and approaches:

    = Metamodel for that considers data models used by source systems
    = Middleware operated by that can be used to accept varying data inputs from source systems and normalizes the data into a data base
    = Application Programmable Interfaces (API) that can be operated by to make all recovery data available to the public”

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